neurotoxic symptom meaning in Chinese
- Hwtx - v can reversibly paralyze locusts and cockroaches for several hours with an ed50 value as 16 + 5ug / g to locusts , and larger dose of the toxin can cause death . the neurotoxic symptoms induced by intra - abdominal injection of huwentoxin - v were paralysis , immobilization and last gradually recovery
Hwtx -通过腹腔注射,能使蝗虫和蜚蠊产生可逆的剂量依赖性的麻痹作用,麻痹时间长达十多个小时,在高剂量( 100 g g )时可使蝗虫和蜚蠊致死,对蝗虫的ed _ ( 50 ) = 16 5 g g 。